This Year's Winners
Join us in congratulating the winners of the 2021 Boyertown and Pottstown Home Garden Contest! On behalf of Mosaic Community Land Trust, Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation, and Building a Better Boyertown, we thank all of this year's participants. We appreciate all you do to keep our community beautiful!
Pottstown Borough
Young Gardener
3rd Elly Haigh
2nd Malcolm Haigh
1st Brooke Haigh
Vegetable Garden
3rd Barb Rapchinski
2nd Joseph Lee
1st Joe Sweeney
Pleasant Porch
HM Angela Kearney
3rd Dave Hanlon
2nd Lisa Ridley
1st Sue Krause
Outdoor Oasis
Garden of Distinction Certificate: Debra Detwiler
HM Nancy Bowman
3rd Tom & Gail Carroll
2nd Rose West
1st Heather Kurtz
General Garden
Most Improved Certificate: Kurt Heidel
HM Madison Dutko
3rd Joanne Taylor
2nd Shirley Grosser
1st Stephanie Beener
People’s Choice
Tom & Mai Lein Zaborski
Best Block
West 5th Street
Boyertown Borough
Vegetable Garden
HM Nadine Hoffman
3rd Kim Dougherty
2nd Joanne Lorah
1st Hunter Yoder
Pleasant Porch
3rd Diane Weller
2nd Arden Pengelly
1st Joseph Powers
Outdoor Oasis
HM Wendy & Marlin Eshbach
3rd Sheri Miller
2nd Sally Schaeffer
1st Angela Motter
General Garden
3rd Amy Arcuri
2nd Erma Reidenauer
1st Karrie Miller